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So far admin has created 116 blog entries.

Poisson Surface Reconstruction for VTK

D. Doria, A. Gelas, "Poisson Surface Reconstruction for VTK". The VTK Journal, March 2010   This document presents an implementation of the Poisson surface reconstruction algorithm in the VTK framework. (This code was, with permission, adapted directly from the original implementation by Kazhdan, Bolitho, and Hugues. The original implementation can be found here. We present

Stratified Mesh Sampling for VTK

David Doria, "Stratified Mesh Sampling for VTK". The VTK Journal, March 2010   This document presents an implementation of a stratified mesh sampling algorithm in the VTK framework. This code was adapted directly from the original implementation by Diego Nehab, with permission. We present a class, vtkStratifiedSampling, which uniformly samples a mesh. A Paraview plugin

A Voodoo Reader and Viewer for VTK

David Doria, "A Voodoo Reader and Viewer for VTK". The VTK Journal, March 2010   Voodoo is a popular, free structure from motion software package. It takes several, ordered images as input and computes the camera parameters of each image as well as a point cloud of an estimate of the 3D structure of the

Using and Visualizing Projective Cameras in VTK

David Doria, "Using and Visualizing Projective Cameras in VTK". The VTK Journal, March 2010   This document presents a set of classes (vtkPhysicalCamera, vtkImageCamera) to enable a camera and an image acquired by that camera to be visualized in a 3D scene. Two situations where one would want to visualize camaras with associated images are

Point Set Surface Reconstruction for VTK

David Doria, "Point Set Surface Reconstruction for VTK". The VTK Journal, March 2010   This document presents a set of classes (vtkPointSetSurfaceReconstruction, vtkVoxelizePolyData) to produce a surface from an oriented point set. These classes are implemented as VTK filters. A Paraview plugin interface is provided to allow extremely easy experimentation with the new functionality. We

A Leica PTX Reader for VTK

David Doria, "A Leica PTX Reader for VTK". The VTK Journal, March 2010   Leica LiDAR scanners output points in the PTX file format. It is often useful to convert this format to a standard VTK point cloud or mesh format before processing. We propose a new class, vtkPTXReader, to provide this functionality.

A Wavefront OBJ Writer for VTK

David Doria, "A Wavefront OBJ Writer for VTK". The VTK Journal, January 2010   The Wavefront OBJ format is a common file format for storing mesh data. It is convenient to be able to write VTK data structures out into this format, as the data can then be used in software that can read OBJ

A Synthetic LiDAR Scanner for VTK

David Doria, "A Synthetic LiDAR Scanner for VTK". The Kitware Source Magazine, January 2010 The Kitware Source is a quarterly magazine published by Kitware about their open source products. Each January they run a special issue which features the strongest submissions over the last 12 months. My work was featured in the January 2010 edition,

RANSAC Plane Fitting for VTK

David Doria, "RANSAC Plane Fitting for VTK". The VTK Journal, January 2010   RANdom SAmple Concensus (RANSAC) is an iterative method to estimate parameters of a model. It assumes that their are inliers in the data which are well explained by the chosen model. We propose a new class for VTK, vtkRANSACPlane, which estimates the

A Point Set Processing Toolkit for VTK

David Doria, "A Point Set Processing Toolkit for VTK". The VTK Journal, December 2009   In the last several years, an increasing number of tools produce 3D points as output. Examples include Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners, Structure From Motion (SFM) algorithms, and Multi View Stereo (MVS) algorithms. These unordered point sets (or point

A Synthetic LiDAR Scanner for VTK

David Doria, "A Synthetic LiDAR Scanner for VTK". The Insight Journal, September 2009   In recent years, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners have become more prevalent in the scientific community. They capture a "2.5-D" image of a scene by sending out thousands of laser pulses and using time-of-flight calculations to determine the distance to

Reading a PTX file into an itkMesh

David Doria, "Reading a PTX file into an itkMesh". The Insight Journal, September 2009   This document presents a set of classes to read a PTX file (a common file format produced by LiDAR scanners) into an itkMesh object. We propose these classes as addition to the Insight Toolkit.

Region Growing Using a Criterion on the Region Boundary

David Doria, "Region Growing Using a Criterion on the Region Boundary". The Insight Journal, August 2009   This document presents a set of classes which implement a region growing algorithm whose criterion for growth is different than existing ITK region growing algorithms. The region is grown into the query pixel based only on the difference

Transforming an itkPointSet

David Doria, "Transforming an itkPointSet". The Insight Journal, July 2009   This document presents a set of classes to enable operations on itkPointSet objects. In particular, itkTransformPointSetFilter allows a transformation to be applied to a set of points. We propose these classes as addition to the Insight Toolkit ITK.