
Home/Contributions contributions At the beginning of my graduate school career I realized that my C++ skills were not as refined as they needed to be. I joined an amazingly helpful formum of (almost 1 Million members) . After receiving excellent, very quick help for quite some time, I realized that forums like this survive because

ITK Examples Wiki

ITK Examples Wiki Motivated by the success of the VTK Examples Wiki, I created the same platform for ITK . My hope is that this page will again significantly reduce the learning curve of these very useful, but quite complex, toolkits.

VTK Examples Wiki

VTK Examples Wiki After struggling through the learning curve of VTK and ITK for a few years, I decided no one else should need to do the same. I created the VTK Examples Wiki to host short, compilable examples that demonstrate basic functionalities and tasks. This wiki was extremely well received by the community. In